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The purpose of Operation BreadCrumb is not so much to convince The Homeless to change their ways, but to convince Good Samaritans, Restaurants, Bakeries, Food Banks, Non-Profits, Churches, Foundations, Gov't Services & Charities, to change their strategy, tactics, & daily mode of operation, when helping The Homeless.

Only a grassroots approach of the general public can get this long list of Good Samaritans, Restaurants, Bakeries, Food Services, Non-Profits, Foundations, Churches, and Charities to change their strategy and tactics when they attempt to help The Homeless.

We, The People, need to convince them that throwing more Feel Good Carrots (food, housing, jobs & training) at The Problem has only resulted in more Crime. And that there is a better way that uses both, The Carrot and The Stick.

Note: There is no point in giving The Homeless a job and paying them in cash when that same cash goes straight to drugs and cheap beer.
If the Homeless want to eat and drink, then the free food and drink will only be at an isolated and remote compound. The public will be educated on NOT to give food except to this remote location. The location of all donated food being only at the remote location will be the incentive for the Homeless to go to the remote and isolated shelter.

Food banks, church leaders, restaurants, etc will all donate their food via carpool or shuttle to the aforementioned really remote location. The really remote location's purpose is to "separate" the drug dealers, drugs, and alcohol from the addicted. The carpool and shuttle saves time and gas on this whole project.
Even if there is a relapse of the addict or alcoholic, the addict would then again have no job, no house, and eventually, just like in the past, no food. Likewise, the free food would again be at the really remote location and the rehabilitation of the Homeless and the Addicted can begin immediately as opposed to more free food and drink within the city next to all drug dealers, gas stations, drugs, etc.

With the aforementioned strategy, the typical drug relapse of an Drug Addict and Alcoholic can be fixed with this self-correcting feedback loop where the "lack of free food" is The Stick.
In order for this plan to work, you cannot just have one (1) food bank relocate to a far away location. Or just one (1) restaurant or grocery participate.
If only a few participate, then a "WHACK-A-MOLE", Homeless Shopaholic problem will still persist.

Moreover, you cannot have, for example, 35% of the people, groups & restaurants participate with this plan and then turn around have the others who do not participate in the plance give away 35% more food.

Yet, You need like 40% of all those how help and feed the Homeless participate in this plan as a 40% total citywide reduction (in anything) can dramatically affect behavior.
Last Updated Wednesday, March 20, 2019 8:33 PM

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