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the plan
the plan
Interstate of Separation
Interstate of Separation   There should be at least five (5) miles between the physical location of the Operation Breadcrumb compound and the nearest place selling alcohol.

The key here is that if the Homeless and the Addicted don't want to follow the rules they will have to take a five (5) mile hike to get back to the city to get their drugs and alcohol while any Food donated will only be available at the Operation BrreadCrumb compound.

Basically, the location of the Donated Food will act as bait to separate the Drugs and Alcohol from the Addicted and The Homeless.
Interstate of Separation
The remote compound will be 4 separate areas, either separated with fences, gateways, or bridges depending upon the landscape choosen. The four areas are as follows:

Broccoli - Tents, Food, Broccoli     1 - BROCCOLI - wisely donated food, tents that is delivered via shuttles and car pools from Good Samaritans and churches.
Broccoli - Tents, Food, Broccoli     2 - COUGH SYRUP - Mental and Health Facilities
Broccoli - Tents, Food, Broccoli     3 - PARCHMENT - Criminal Courts
Broccoli - Tents, Food, Broccoli     4 - HICKORY - hands on work/jobs and training. e..g Wood Working, Recycling Separation, Farming, etc.
Interstate of Separation
1- Must Separate the Drugs and Alcohol fromt the Addicted via Remoteness and/or phyical distance.

2- Breaking The Rules will now have consequences like a 5 mile hike.

3- With Remoteness of Compound, Drug Dealers will be be more easily noticed and cheap beer harder to find.

4 - Remoteness will make it harder to panhandle as not much traffic or pedestrians to ask for money.

5 - Remoteness and wisely donated food will increase self-correction of drug and alcohol relapse.
Note: Drug Dealers and Drug Addicts will do everything and anthing to weaken, circumvent, and infiltrate this system and operation via directly or politically.
Last Updated Monday, June 25, 2018 8:08 PM

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