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 Doctor Shopping, Good Samaritan Shopping, Homeless Shelter Shopping, Food Bank Shopping, Non-Profit Charity Shopping....

Last Updated: Sunday, July 8, 2018 4:44 PM
Ever Heard Of Doctor Shopping?
Well, the Homeless also do a lot of shopping...


Jumping from (a) one good samaritan, (b) to one homeless shelter, (c) to one food bank, (d) to one non-profit, (e) to one charity to another, for food and shelter, is basically the same as doctor shopping for prescription drugs except this is in reverse. The Homeless use the above for free food and shelter while they can spend 100% of their time and efforts obtaining drugs and drinking alcohol.
*Loopholes In The Rules Of Homeless Shelters Equals Addiction Relapse?
It's one thing to have rules to allow the homeless to stay at the shelter overnight, e.g. no drinking, drugs, etc.
However, to kick the homeless out after breaking the rules and then a day or two later to allow the homeless to stay in the homeless shelter is basically, from a practical standpoint, "no rules", as the homeless have nothing to lose because they can panhandle outside of the shelter, drink beer, take drugs and then clean themselves up for just a day to get what they need at the shelter, and then leave the shelter to continue drinking and taking drugs and overall, get worse and worse, mentally and physically.

In other words, the consequences of breaking the rules are so meaningless (e.g. sleep, drink, do drugs outside of the homeless shelter with free food that tastes good), the homeless shelters don't have rules that make a long-term difference to the homeless. The free food and stuff that is delivered "outside" these shelters also circumvent any effectiveness of the shelter's rules. (Note: The Bible says to forgive "70 times 7". It does not say "forgive forever or forgive an unlimited number of times", otherwise it would be condoning the sin and make the sin, not a sin.)

A lot of these homeless advocates and shelters talk about "relapse", but should ask themselves,
"Why should the homeless change their self-destructive and selfish behavior if the shelter repeatedly lets them re-enter the shelter month after month? Plus, the homeless shelters, as a whole in America, allows the homeless to switch/move from one shelter to another without any consequence from their past bad decisions? The same goes for food banks. Homeless move from one food bank to another with no consequences to their daily selfish decisions; hence why should the homeless really change?"
Hence, don't the policies and lack of long-term consequences of the (a) homeless shelters, (b) good Samaritans, (c) food banks, (d) non-profits, and (e) charities, as a whole, also encourage the Homeless to "relapse" back into addiction?

Ozanam Inn in New Orleans serves six (6) meals a day? Wow, no wonder why the Homeless never change from their bad habit, drug addictions, and alcoholism. They don't need to. Free food for rest of life allows them to dedicate all of their time and resources to panhandling, drugs, alcohol, etc. And they have volunteers helping to clean up after Homeless! Better than welfare, EBT, or food stamps. And a case manager? What good is the case manager when the Homeless will just jump ship to another Homeless Shelter with a different case manager? This not to mention so close to Bourbon St and in a high crime area? The temptation must be incredible. And paid by the public? Why not just tax alcohol, bars and clubs on Bourbon St as you do tax cigarettes?
Will More Mental Health Services Really Work For The Homeless?
If many Hollywood celebrities who have family, friends, money, and access to the best health and mental care in the world (and also check themselves into a rehab clinic), still end up dying of overdose or suicide, why should more mental health services for the homeless work?

CASE IN POINT: Robin Williams the comedian. He had access to family, friends, money, and the best mental health care in the world. Plus, he was also very successful. Yet, even while checking himself into a rehab clinic, he still committed suicide. Hence, why should more mental health services work for the poor when mental health services don't even for the rich, famous and even successful?

End the War on Drugs and Declare War on Addiction
End the War on Drugs and Declare War on Addiction

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