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t-shirt diplomacy
T-Shirt Diplomacy is buying a t-shirt, or a polo shirt, at the link below, and wearing it, in public. That is, "boots on the ground"

Thus, getting those who see the t-shirt to "think" about what they are really doing when they give to panhandlers or the homeless..

Moreover, it is also to get them to visit this website and be introduced to a *new* plan that "automatically" corrects addiction relapse.

In summary, this website and ideas are similar to say the startups listed on Kick Starter, GoFund Me and Indiegogo.

However, you could say, it's more grassroots as you can't just buy a t-shirt, or even donate, for this idea to successful.

In order to have a positive impact on society,

   (1) you have to want to buy a shirt,
   (2) and want to wear it (e.g. businesses require all of their employees to wear this shirt
         on the same day, once a month or week. That is, for example, the 4th Friday
         of the month) and then
   (3) campaign for the ideas listed here and change people's minds on
         how to fight Addiction .

This will be a massive undertaking as it is the religious, social, philanthropic, and government organizations and "so-called good samaritans" who have to change their own ways for the better.
See Polos and T-Shirts


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