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Hot Pot Causes Suicide

Last Updated: Monday, March 25, 2019 2:14 AM
If Gambling is Addictive, why not the "high" from pot?
There are some who say marijuana is not addictive, yet if gambling (which has no drug or substance that goes inside the body) is addictive, cannot the "high" from pot be addictive? That is, what happens when the weed wears off?

Well, you get "emotionally low," like really low where "little things" can set you off and you become outraged, e.g., a fender bender becomes road rage and where The Homeless become aggressive panhandlers.
Aggressive Panhandling (aka Reefer Madness)
Sometimes when the homeless drug addict cannot purchase or get marijuana, the homeless then "aggressively panhandle" to get money for weed.

This includes the homeless walking in the middle of the street, tapping on the windows of passing cars and even stopping traffic to demanding money from drivers to feed their addictions.

Accordingly cities with homeless population have now passed laws banning "aggressive panhandling". [3]
Aggressive Panhandling (aka Reefer Madness)
Increasing more so, and the "inverse" to the effects of alcohol, domestic violence is associated with marijauana use. This happens with the marijuana "high" wears off and then that pot user becomes very irritable toward their partner. [4]

Or put another way, domestic violence from alcohol happens when alcohol is still in the drinker's blood stream. Yet, with marijuana, domestic violence happens "after" the marijuana "high" wears off.
1 - For references and hard factual data, please visit in and around your local Homeless shelter and see for yourself. the number of 911 call for overdose to aggressive panhandling

2 - In the below government reports, we have twenty-two (22) military vets who commit suicide EVERY DAY (50% via poisoning, p.34, Fig. 14, and at an overall age of 59, p.16), but not a single starvation death in America. Note, this is just only military veterans committing suicide, the general population will make the suicide numbers much higher.
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day

Suicide Data Report, 2012 Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health Services, Suicide Prevention Program

3 - Aggressive Panhandling - Law enforcement rounds up panhandlers in the Quarter

4 - Marijuana use is associated with intimate partner violence perpetration among men arrested for domestic violence

Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin until they are drunk, in order to gaze at their nakedness! - Habakkuk 2:15
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