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Hot Pot Causes Suicide

Last Updated: Thursday, March 28, 2019 11:39 AM
Step 1
Smoke POT ⇒ Feel HIGH.
Step 2
Pot wears off, Feel LOW ⇒ Drink BEER to
                Forget your Lows (e.g. Your Problems).
Step 3
More Details...
The fact that Marijuana makes one HIGH, also means that after the effects wear off, one also experiences a LOW.

That, LOW (sometimes referred to as "The Crash"), is then treated with Alcohol which means numbness, forgetfulness, and depression.

Then, with Alcohol Depression, one smokes Marijuana for a HIGH, those weed effects then wear off and the user ends back down LOW and drinks more Alcohol.

User then wants to smoke weed, or use another drug like heroin or opioids since a tolerance to marijuana forms, hence, the nickname "gateway drug", for a HIGH.

And the cycle repeats over and over again, spiraling downward until Mental Illness and then SUICIDE
# 1- For references and hard factual data, please visit in and around your local Homeless shelter and see for yourself. the number of 911 call for overdose to aggressive panhandling

#2 - In the below government reports, we have twenty-two (22) military vets who commit suicide EVERY DAY (50% via poisoning, p.34, Fig. 14, and at an overall age of 59, p.16), but not a single starvation death in America. Note, this is just only military veterans committing suicide, the general population will make the suicide numbers much higher.
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day

Suicide Data Report, 2012 Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health Services, Suicide Prevention Program

#3 - Aggressive Panhandling - Law enforcement rounds up panhandlers in the Quarter


Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin until they are drunk, in order to gaze at their nakedness! - Habakkuk 2:15
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