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Drug Withdrawal Carousel Sentencing - A drug to take away the pain of sticking your hand in the fire? Why not keep sticking your hand in the fire?

Last Updated: Saturday, August 31, 2019 5:31 PM
*** rough draft ***
BACKGROUND: Carousel Sentencing is jailing drug addicts from 7 to 21 days so they cannot take the drug they are addicted to and likewise cause them to experience painful drug withdrawal symptoms. (This, as opposed to multi-year long sentencing.) Next, if they are caught again taking drugs, perhaps by random court-ordered drug testing, they will be jailed for another 7 to 21 days to, again, experience painful withdrawal symptoms.

Thus, drug addicts will feel the pain of going Up and Down, Round and Round like a carousel; hence, reducing jail overcrowding and drug relapse.

Is The Answer To Drug AddictionsMore Pain? Or More Pills?
If hard labor and solitary confinement is OK, (and as well, needed), why not Carousel Sentencing to break the addiction with painful drug withdrawal consequences? This, as opposed to Feel Good Carrots like special drugs (e.g., Buprenorphine, Methadone & Naloxone) to reduce the pain of withdrawal? That is, why stop taking drugs when Drug Addicts can switch to another drug to reduce their withdrawal pains?

In summary, if there is no pain and no negative consequences (i.e. The Stick), why should drug addicts change their behavior?
No Pain, No Gain.
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