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Can't Get High Enough? Pot Users vs Gateway Drug Users

Last Updated: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:02 PM
Everyone Reacts Differently
As with any drug, from allergy pills to alcohol, everyone can react differently to marijuana, and even differently for both short term and long term use.
The Same Reaction for Years
For some users, i.e. potheads, the effects of getting "high" are relatively the same after years and decades of marijuana use. These potheads have a life that revolves around weed and will argue the medical benefits of marijuana like a snake oil salesman.

They will endlessly tell you about the chronic pain reduction from marijuana, non-stop, 365 days-a-year, and even promote recreational cannabis, pot-laced candies & cupcakes to CBD oils; but then contradict their 24/7 round-the-clock pothead lifestyle by saying marijuana is not addictive.
Why so Many Street Names?
For some, the effects of marijuana don't last as long and give the "high" it used to when first used, i.e., a tolerance to marijuana is formed. Hence, those users then
   (a) try higher dosages
   (b) seek other drugs like cocaine, heroin, opioids, etc. to get that "high". This is the reason why marijuana is called a gateway drug and is proven by the many street names for these other drugs as each of those other drugs reacts differently for each drug addict.

Lastly, tolerance to these other drugs are again formed, and this cycle repeats itself leading to joblessness, homelessness, mental disease, & suicide.


THE BODY'S SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISMS protect it from foreign and harmful substances that ranges from the natural to unnatural to the synthetic. e.g., germs, bacteria, viruses, allergy medicine, cough syrup, cancer treatments, alcohol, beer, wine, morphine, marijuana, cocaine, opioids, etc. The body's natural defenses will always try to reduce the effects of these foreign substances at the cellular level (eg white blood cells) to the organ level(eg liver).
The body's natural self-defense will be the most active on the inital encounter and then develop more efficient strategies later on. For example, OTC allergy medications work best when initially used, but later on, have no effect on allergies (eg pollens) as the body's natural self-defense has developed more efficient ways to purge the allergy medication. Similarly, the same can be said for marijuana as the initial use of pot delivers the greatest high, but the body's natural self defense will develop more efficent mechanisms to purge and reduce marijuana and it's "high" effects. (Accordingly Medical Marijuana is temporary band-aid effect on seizures and is a short lived remedy.)

Similarly, this is the same for alcohol. Over time, the body's natural self-defense will develop more efficient ways to purge alcohol and hence the "feel good" effects require more and more alcohol to be consumed to have the same initial "feel good" effects. Drinking Games are basically a measure of one's liver alcohol processing capabilities, a shallow goal in the Big Picture of Life.

This body's natural self defense mechanism of developing more efficient purging of foreign sustance like marijuana and alcohol is also true for morphine, cocaine, amphetamine, opioids, etc.

Yet , long time pot heads are all over the place. Some think they are getting a high, but because this "high" is physchological, their high is really a chosen, percieved state of mind as the body's more efficient natural defenses of purging has made marijuana to become like a placebo; That is, the user "thinks" marijuana gets them "high" and; hence, demands it (i.e., a addicted to pot.). But in reality, the natural defenses of the body has developed more efficient mechanisms to reduce the "high". Nevertheless, over time, the marijuana, literally "burns out" the brain's neurons and the person's ability to function in the real world is noticeable deminished. e.g. from initial so-called creativety that crashes down to laziness, depression, anxiety post-traumatic stress disorder and eventually suicide....Put another way, What goes up (the high), must also go down (the crash). Reference: See your local homeless shelter and homeless tent camp.

1 - For references and hard factual data, please visit in and around your local Homeless shelter and see for yourself. the number of 911 call for overdose to aggressive panhandling

2 - In the below government reports, we have twenty-two (22) military vets who commit suicide EVERY DAY (50% via poisoning, p.34, Fig. 14, and at an overall age of 59, p.16), but not a single starvation death in America. Note, this is just only military veterans committing suicide, the general population will make the suicide numbers much higher.
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day

Suicide Data Report, 2012 Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health Services, Suicide Prevention Program

3 - Aggressive Panhandling - Law enforcement rounds up panhandlers in the Quarter

4 - Marijuana use is associated with intimate partner violence perpetration among men arrested for domestic violence

5 - Want to Know More? Some FAQs about Marijuana | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

6 - How to Tell if Your Loved One Is High on Marijuana | Laguna Treatment Hospital

7 - Tolerance and Resistance to Drugs - Drugs - Merck Manuals Consumer Version

8 - Marijuana makes blood rush to the head | New Scientist

Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin until they are drunk, in order to gaze at their nakedness! - Habakkuk 2:15
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